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21V-514 Wayfarer Wheel Liners Work Instructions

To provide instructions on how to inspect the motorhome to determine which wheel liners are installed and how to remove the old wheel liners and install the new ones.

NHTSA Recall #:  21V-514

Tiffin Recall #:  WAY-100

Models Involved: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, & 2021 all floor plans with standard wheels

Tools Needed: 

19 mm ½” Drive 6-Point Socket
21 mm ½ Drive 6-Point Socket
Phillips Screwdriver

Tools Needed for Air Valve Extensions:

7/16” Wrench
1/2" Wrench

Parts Needed:

Parts Kit # 5132310


When filing the warranty claim for payment, please use the following flat rate codes and times.

WF8802RC01, for 1.50 hours to install new wheel liners.

Inspection Procedure:

1. Verify the unit is equipped with the standard Wayfarer wheel liner as shown below. 

Standard Wheel Liner – Involved  Upgraded wheel liners, NOT involved
way100 inspection.jpg wf 1.jpg          Front Wheel liner.jpg

2. If the unit has upgraded wheel liners, please file a warranty claim to Tiffin Motorhomes for 0.25 hours stating that the recall does not apply due to upgraded wheel liners being installed.

Repair Procedure:

Please view an instructional video of how the wheel liners should be installed.

Instructional video for installing the wheel liners:

Please click below to download the complete work instructions.


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